New program: UF in London Smart Cities

 The UF in London Smart Cities program will give students the opportunity to understand and appreciate first-hand the role that smart technology plays in enabling London’s status as a Smart City. A smart city uses information and communication technology (ICT) to improve operational efficiency, share information with the public, and provide a better quality of government service and citizen welfare. Students will participate in hands-on activities and exploration of smart elements in London to enhance their knowledge of ICT principles. The program will give an overview of smart city elements in London, with a focus on mobility and human-centered design to improve the quality of citizens welfare.


The program will take place May 7 to 14, 2023 and it will be taught by Dr. Sarah Jay.


More information and application can be found at:







Pingchien Neo (she/her/hers)

Director, International Engineering Programs

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

University of Florida


Make an appointment


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