FALL 2022 Reminders

 Hi EE Major

Fall 2022 Drop/Add week  is August 24-30, 2022

ALL PAPERWORK IS DUE BY AUGUST 29, 2020, by 5:00 pm


For students in the catalog years 2015-2020, the EE Breadth requirement is 12  credits. The changes to EEL3472, EEE3396, and EEE4260  to three credits from 4-credits will affect if you choose to complete one of those courses for EE breadth.   If you choose to complete as an EE Breadth, you will need to complete EEL4905 to earn the missing credit. Please read below the options to satisfy the requirement for the fall semester.

EEL4905 form: https://www.ece.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/EEL4905Form_2022-1-3.pdf (Links to an external site.)

EE Secure Form upload: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bKlsTB7kRVMyXcy (Links to an external site.)


For Option 1: Complete the form and enter Dr. Shea’s name for the faculty, then submit it to me via EE Secure Form upload

For Option 2: Complete the student section. Have the faculty you selected sign the form. Submit the form to me via EE Secure Form upload


Option 1: Complete EEL4905 1-credit Independent study with Dr. Shea

Course Description
Students will spend an average of 3 hours per week developing, documenting, and presenting a small hands-on project related to electrical engineering.

Course Objectives
1. Develop a small hands-on project related to the student’s interests in electrical engineering.
2. Demonstrate good engineering skills through documentation and testing of hardware and software.
3. Develop presentation skills through a midterm and final presentations.
4. Practice design review skills through a midterm and final peer review activities.


Option 2: Complete EEL4905 with a faculty of your choice

  • The faculty can come from any department from the HWCOE.
  • A topic of your interest



EGN4912 Research counts for EE Technical Elective. EE Majors can count up to 4-credits.

EGN4912 online form: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bef79eENCoMP6Yu (Links to an external site.)

Step One: Find a possible Research opportunity and reach out to a professor/grad student leading the research. (Note: This step is still the same.)

Step Two: Proceed to the EGN 4912 Research Link and fill out the first part of the permission request. Make sure you enter the faculty email correctly.

Step Three: Your research advisor will receive an email to complete the request by approving or denying your request.  

Step Four: Once your research faculty advisor approves your request. I will receive an approval email and then register you for research credit.


Internship/ Coop

EEL4948- Practical Work Experience

EEL4948 online form https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7ZHewnKCPA9myKW (Links to an external site.)

Course Requirements

  • Must submit an offer letter on letterhead to register
  • Must submit a 2500 word (+/- 50 words) Reflection Report (IEEE format, no figures included),
  • A five-slide PowerPoint presentation and satisfactory employee evaluation
  • Immediate Supervisor must sign-off of Reflection Report and complete student evaluation
  • A supervising ECE Faculty mentor will review the report, PowerPoint presentation, and  evaluation before assigning a grade


The deadline date for submission is August 29, 2022, by 5pm



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